Open an Account   

If you have questions, need assistance or would prefer to complete a hard copy of our agreement, please contact us at 1-877-263-8033 option 4, or email We look forward to working with you!

Company Information
Company Name
Your Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Universal Background Screening offers a comprehensive suite of screening services. Please indicate your interests below.
Background Checks, including criminal checks, driving records, employment and education verifications
Credit Reports
Drug Testing
Physical Exams/OccuHealth
Electronic I-9/E-Verify
Promotional Code
If you were provided a promotional code by a Universal Account Representative or Partner, please enter it now.
Message or Special Instructions
Please let us know any additional information, when you would like us to contact you, etc.

Account Verification
To prevent spam and unauthorized submissions, please enter the generated code in the verification box below: